
Välkommen till Saltsjöbadens IF Simning.

Börja simma med SIF-simning


Vill du börja simma med oss? Gör så här:

  1. Skapa ett konto till den person som vill börja simma med oss. Detta gör du genom att öppna  www.saltsjobadensif.se välj där på höger sida ”Skapa konto”. Fyll i alla uppgifter
  2. Aktivera kontot via den länk som skickas till din mail.
  3. När kontot är aktiverat så klickar du på fliken boka aktivitet sök där upp en grupp som heter ”Kö till simning alla nivåer 1-breddverksamhet
  4. Håll sedan utkik i er mail (se även i skräp korgen) efter inbjudan till uppsim.



Vi har alltid ett uppsim för en som vill börja simma med oss. Detta för att kunna placera barnet i rätt nivå utifrån barnets kunskaper.



Vi har 6 nivåer i simskolan. När man är klar med en nivå, dvs barnet ska klara av de moment i den nivån innan vi flyttar upp ett barn till en högre nivå. Flyttar vi upp ett barn innan barnet är klar med delmomenten blir det svårt och jobbigt för barnet. 

När man är klar med simskolan går man över till Breddverksamheten . Då slipar vi vidare på tekniker i alla simsätt för att kunna gå vidare till antingen tävlingsgrupp eller till motionssim för ungdomar.



Vid frågor kontakta Annette Jansson Pantolin på mail annette@saltis-sim.com

Saltis-Cup 2018

  • 30 nov 2018

image: Saltis-Cup 2018

For more that fifteen years Saltis SIM arranges, organizes and hosts annually the popular “Saltis-CUP” swim competition. On Sunday, the 4th of November, Saltis-CUP 2018 took place at Nacka’s swimming pool. More that 380 swimmers from 10 swimming clubs around Stockholm competed in more than 1100 heats, at 30 events throughout the day. A well structured cooperation within Saltis SIM force included swim officials, board members, parents and partners made “Saltis-CUP 2018” successful. Coffee, tea, homemade sweet temptations, sandwiches and much more were available to those attending the competitions. Saltis SIM partner, the competitive swim apparel and gear TYR, was also present at the competitions with a broad assortment of their products available for purchase.


Our club competed with a swim force of 25 new and older swimmers accompanied by 4 coaches. As a result we accomplished several personal records and we earned 13 medals with: Thea BoiJ DR (3), Axel H (2), Cornelia S (1), Anna Maria OR (4) and Vasilis Maximilian R (3). In addition, our 12 year-old-or-younger relay group of girls earned the 2nd place on medley with Cornelia S, Laura M., Anna Maria OR and Ebba K.! The Head Coach Vladimir R. is satisfied from the results and he points out that this is the progress that swimmers and coaches want to see more coming up. He also acknowledges the members of the Saltis SIM board and all the supporters who help the team and empower it to become even better in the future.   


Saltis SIM ranked 4th in the Saltis CUP 2018. Skuru came 3rd in place and SKK came 2nd. Finally, the TROPHY went to Södertörn!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Extended congratulations to all clubs and swimmers on the Saltis-CUP 2018!!!


The members of the board of Saltis SIM would like to forward a big THANK YOU to all who supported this competition and especially to SKURU IK SIMNING that lended us material and helped us to set them up!!


Next challenge for Saltis SIM, is the upcoming KM (Klubb Mästerskap) and Lucia celebration on the 15th of December. Stay tuned!



Panagiota K. Rosenqvist

Saltis SIM


  • 30 nov 2018

image: Saltsjöbladet

Saltjöbladet nov 2018


  • 21 nov 2018



For more that fifteen years Saltis SIM arranges, organizes and hosts annually the popular “Saltis-CUP” swim competition. On Sunday, the 4th of November, Saltis-CUP 2018 took place at Nacka’s swimming pool. More that 380 swimmers from 10 swimming clubs around Stockholm competed in more than 1100 heats, at 30 events throughout the day. A well structured cooperation within Saltis SIM force included swim officials, board members, parents and partners made “Saltis-CUP 2018” successful. Coffee, tea, homemade sweet temptations, sandwiches and much more were available to those attending the competitions. Saltis SIM partner, the competitive swim apparel and gear TYR, was also present at the competitions with a broad assortment of their products available for purchase.


Our club competed with a swim force of 25 new and older swimmers accompanied by 4 coaches. As a result we accomplished several personal records and we earned 13 medals with: Thea BoiJ DR (3), Axel H (2), Cornelia S (1), Anna Maria OR (4) and Vasilis Maximilian R (3). In addition, our 12 year-old-or-younger relay group of girls earned the 2nd place on medley with Cornelia S, Laura M., Anna Maria OR and Ebba K.! The Head Coach Vladimir R. is satisfied from the results and he points out that this is the progress that swimmers and coaches want to see more coming up. He also acknowledges the members of the Saltis SIM board and all the supporters who help the team and empower it to become even better in the future.   


Saltis SIM ranked 4th in the Saltis CUP 2018. Skuru came 3rd in place and SKK came 2nd. Finally, the TROPHY went to Södertörn!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Extended congratulations to all clubs and swimmers on the Saltis-CUP 2018!!!


The members of the board of Saltis SIM would like to forward a big THANK YOU to all who supported this competition and especially to SKURU IK SIMNING that lended us material and helped us to set them up!!


Next challenge for Saltis SIM, is the upcoming KM (Klubb Mästerskap) and Lucia celebration on the 15th of December. Stay tuned!



Panagiota K. Rosenqvist

Saltis SIM